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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chemistry Humor

Here are some good old clear chemistry jokes, riddles, facts, and quotes.  Hope you enjoy.

The optimist sees the glass half full.
The pessimist sees the glass half empty.
The chemist see the glass completely full, half in the liquid state and half in the vapor state.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.  Henry J Tillman.

Q: What did the bartender say when oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorous walked into his bar?

The only letter that does not appear on the periodic table is J.

A neutron walks into a bar. He asks the bartender, "How much for a beer?" The bartender offers him a warm smile and says, "For you, no charge".

My personal favor chemistry joke is, drum roll please...

I got this powdered water - now I do not know what to add. Steven Write.

This is all I have for now.  Hope you have enjoyed the chemistry humor.  If you have chemistry jokes of your own leave a comment below.


  1. Ha. I don't know much about chemistry, but some of these were silly. Very nice. I'm glad you posted this. :D

  2. Agreed.. though I don't know what is wrong with the letter J. :-P

  3. What do you do when a chemist dies?


    knee slapper, much?

  4. I like the neutron went to a bar joke! Hilarious. Anyways, Thank you for posting these jokes. It is quite interesting! Maybe I will go invent my own.

  5. Funny! I like Katja's joke too. I'm not a science person but I read a bit about powdered water recently, it's definitely an interesting invention.

  6. This partially describes the life of a science major: 1) Do science. 2) Joke about doing science.

    Ah, science.

  7. oh na na oh whats my name?

    also summary of organic chemistry=carbon is a whore

    photons have mass? i didnt know they were catholic!
