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Monday, April 11, 2011

Chemistry Interview with Sam

I talked with Samuel Browning for my Interview.  Sam is a freshman Honors college student at UNCG majoring in Chemistry.  The interview is shown below in a question answers format.

Sam what are you doing this summer?
I am doing research with Dr. Oberlies in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UNCG.
What type of research will you be doing for Dr. Oberlies?
I will be testing purified compounds for anti-fungal properties.  The compounds will be used to kill fungi specifically on feet.
What are you most excited about doing your chemistry research?
Winning my noble prize for my ground breaking research as an undergraduate researcher!
Of the chemistry experiments that you have done, which was your favorite?
I did an entertaining experiment for kids in which I turned what appeared to be water into what looked like milk.  I then turned the "milk" into what appear to be grape juice. The kids loved the experiment.
What is your favorite chemistry joke?
“Do you have mole problems if so call Avogadro at 602-1023”
Have you ever had problems with your experiments?
Yes, once I failed a lab because all of my data was wrong.
What is your favorite chemistry quote?
"Chem is try." Because it spells chemistry and jokes about the point of chemistry.
Who is your favorite scientist?
Howard Florey because he was in charge of the lab that discovered penicillin. He spearheaded the research while scraping together funding during WWII.
Sam what is your favorite color?
I do not have a favorite color.

Thanks to Sam for participating in my interview.  Hope you enjoy the interview.  If you have your own interesting or exciting answers to these questions leave them in the comments below.

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