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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Experiment #5: Burning an Orange

Experiment #4: Explosive Bubbles

Experiment #4 and 5!

Ok I just finished filming experiments #4 and #5.  I think they worked out really well.  Experiment #4 is called exploding bubbles and I have to give Popular Science the credit for coming up with the experiment.  Experiment #5 is a really easy experiment with a bang.  This one anyone can do with only 3 supplied.  I think it is called burning an orange and I have to credit the youtube video I first saw it on but that will come later when I post my video of it.  Look forward to seeing two new videos coming out soon.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dear Blank Please Blank

Dear person who invented salt,
What made you decide to combine two deadly poisons and put it on your food?
Sincerely, NaCl.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Experiment #3

Ok guys I am working hard doing some research for experiment #3 but I am trying to get a read on what you want to see.  Please leave comments below or comment on my new polls.  Also please follow me! Then I can know how many people are watching.  Give me some input and I will give you a new experiment.  In the mean time enjoy THIS.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A chemist came home from research and his wife asked "was research productive or reactive?"